It’s been a while, but….

May 5, 2013

I haven’t posted on here for almost a year, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy.
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What’s Next?

July 2, 2012

With Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds now available on both Barnes & and as ebooks, what’s next for me?

Well, as the end of book 2 shows, the adventure continues in book 3, which I have all outlined with the prologue written and most of chapter 1 done. I’m flushing out details for new characters and how readers will be reintroduced to the players, but my biggest obstacle right now is getting motivated to write.

I’ve started a new job which drains my excitement and energy, so it’s hard to come home and write or write before heading into work. I plan to work on that, and I hope it gets easier once I fall into my new routine. As for my days off, I should be able to get even more done, and I’m confident once I get the story going, I’ll have no trouble keeping it up. Only time will tell, and I’ll try to keep everyone posted.

If you haven’t read either of the Cloaks books, head over to the Stories page to find links and excerpts of the book. Feel free to also check out my past short stories (some as short as 300 words) and some fan fiction. Have a great week everybody 🙂

Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds Now Available!

June 23, 2012

Now available on, Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds! I’m still waiting for it to finish processing on Barnes & Noble, and I’ll update this post when it is available. The ebook is available currently for $1.99, and can be read on an ebook reader like the Nook and Kindle, or read through Amazon’s app on a computer, which can be found on their website.

Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds

The story in The Reds follows Kylis Lawson as he travels to Tergoha to apologize for his king following the events of book one, The Royals. Our hero witnesses the destruction and torment war has brought to the kingdom, and with a renewed push from the invading Fuerzans from the south, will Kylis be able to deliver his messages and return safely to Rhinia or not?

Production has already begun on book 3, so be sure to visit back here and let me know what you think of this newest release. 🙂

Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds Excerpt Now Online

June 14, 2012

Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds
Now available online for your enjoyment is an excerpt from Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds, which you can view here! I was going to post the first two chapters like I did with The Royals, but I decided instead to go with this little bit of action instead. I’m over halfway through my final read through with only a few changes here and there, so I’m still on track to have it available soon. Enjoy, everyone!

New Blurbs for Both Cloaks Books

June 12, 2012

As I draw closer to releasing Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds, I’ve updated the blurb for not only that book, but also for my first one, Cloaks: Book 1: The Royals. You can check them out at the links above, but I’ve included The Reds’ blurb below. By the end of the week, I’ll also have excerpts from book 2 up to wet anyone’s appetite 🙂 Have a good Tuesday everyone!

Cloaks, the masters of magic, distinguished by the colors of their cloaks. The Reds, who draw through emotions; the Illusionists, who draw through knowledge; the Directs, who draw straight from magic; the Thasos, who draw through plants and animals; the Healers, who draw through human beings; and the Royals, who rule the kingdoms of Mantau. All cloaks, divided by their philosophies, must work together as a new threat emerges.

Kylis Lawson aided his kingdom of Rhinia in repelling a small invasion force from Fuerza, much to the appreciation of his king, King James Rhine. Now, while King James prepares for an all-out war with Fuerza, he must make amends with his allies whom he alienated before the truth of an assassination attempt on the Fuerzan king could be discovered. As the hero of the Battle of Sherila, Kylis leads two cloaks and his best friend into the neighboring kingdom of Tergoha to make peace with the Red Cloaks Council, the leaders of all Reds in Mantau, and King Xaver, the monarch of the kingdom.

But the trip isn’t at all easy as Kylis prepares for his first true diplomatic mission. He must also avoid an invading Fuerzan army, which has been attacking all of the residents of Tergoha for about two years. Kylis soon discovers more about war than his history lessons could ever teach him, and he learns more about cloaks and their conflicts with each other.

And lurking, where Kylis and his new team least expect it, are hidden dangers, whose existence brings the likelihood of Kylis’s mission’s success in question.

Cloaks: Book 2: The Reds

Cloaks: The Royals at a New Price!

May 19, 2012

Cloaks: Book 1: The Royals

As I continue with revisions for book 2, planning to have it available sometime in June, Cloaks: Book 1: The Royals is now available at a new price: $1.99! If you’ve been waiting to check out the first story set in the magical medieval setting of Cloaks, now’s the time to do it. The book is available on both Barnes & and, depending on your preference. And even if you don’t have a Nook or Kindle, both sites offer apps for your devices or desktop on their sites to read it just about anywhere. Happy reading everyone 🙂