Comic Reviews for 5/30/12

I got my comics this weekend, but I didn’t get half of them. I remember pulling them, but apparently they dropped off at some point, so I’ll be watching that more closely from now on. What I got to wait another week to check out are the Batman and Animal Man annuals, two Star Trek issues (which includes the Doctor Who crossover one), and the conclusion to Marvel’s Exile event. Sigh. Well, I still got some good stuff, otherwise, including a new “young justice” title from DC, the next issue of America’s Got Powers, and the start of a promising story in G.I. Joe’s Snake Eyes.

America’s Got Powers #2 (Image) – The second issue finally arrives after the first one, and it was okay but only sets up the next one. We have an interesting revelation near the end, but it causes a promise to be broken. What’s in store for our protagonist next?

FF #18 (Marvel) – Democracy at work, but this demonstrates that giving those rights can sometimes lead to the wrong outcome…at least for Johnny Storm. I also loved the student’s questions for their substitute teacher.

The Ravagers #1 (DC) – Spinning out of the pages of Teen Titans! This issue wasn’t bad, but I’m not sure whether I’ll stick with it or not. I’ll see how the next one plays out, because I’m at least interested enough by Caitlin Fairchild’s character, who appeared first in the pages of Superboy.

Snake Eyes #13 (IDW) – A cool story as Snake Eyes begins working with Storm Shadow (not going to end well, and we knew that last issue), and we also dive into their history, particularly when they were younger and going through their training. We even find out how Snake Eyes got his name. I guess the hunt for Zartan continues next time!

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #11 (Marvel) – Things continue to look bad, but it seems Tony Stark might have a plan up his sleeve. Problem is, he’s now a prisoner of Reed Richards (I’m still disappointed to see him go so evil 😦 )

Young Justice #16 (DC) – A nice story split three ways with heroes and sidekicks working together before all three teams come together at the end. It’s become a big no-no to use the word “sidekick,” but it really shouldn’t be considered such a negative word. Looks like a big fight with Kobra next issue, and if the hero information for the new young members from the new season of the show are any indication that the comic will be jumping ahead five years soon, I’m afraid my interest in this comic will end there. I didn’t like that five year jump, and I’ve lost interest in the show, but this comic continues to be well worth the time.

More (definitely) coming next week!

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