Comic Reviews for 6/27/12

I’m a little late at getting this up, but circumstances kept me busy with other things. The final week of the month had some promising starts to upcoming storylines. Last week we saw what the Van Helsings are, what Tony Stark’s plan was, and the return of Gregg Hurwitz to Batman.

Batman The Dark Knight #10 (DC) – So I read an interview where Gregg Hurwitz, the writer of this brief story arc, seemed to not understand the premise of Batman, at least not how I interpret the character. But even if he doesn’t get it, he can write a great story. Only complaint, every Bat book is focusing on Batman and Robin’s difficult relationship, and each one is looking at it in almost contradictory ways. When are they going to explore that relationship in another way or advance that story? Oh well, who cares, this will be all about the Scarecrow and Gordon.

FF #19 (Marvel) – A nice African outing with the Future Foundation kids. A bit of a filler like the other recent stories, but this was a fun one.

Hell Yeah #4 (Image) – A fun fight with witty banter and humor, but not too much happened otherwise. Looks like all the story revelations of why all this trouble is coming to Ben will be learned next issue.

I, Vampire #10 (DC) – I don’t think Andrew will ever get anywhere with his girlfriend, so why does he still hang around her? Oh, and the Van Helsings are nuts, and the zombie set up for next issue is odd, but we’ll see what kind of action that gives us.

Star Trek #10 (IDW) – The conclusion to the Archon story, and at least now we know what was going on on the planet. However, the why remains a secret, and the last couple pages makes the conspiracy even more troubling than what was going on. I wonder if this will be a plot point in the next movie.

Teen Titans #10 (DC) – This was a lighter issue, but the dinosaurs were completely unneeded. And Scott Lobdell may write characters well, but aside from poor stories, he also can’t write romance very well. Oh, and what’s making Tim act so dark? A bit out of character but it looks like that’s past. Now what ridiculous way are they going to tie this into the larger DC story? Honestly, this is a universe that hates superheroes. I think the world (ours that is) could use more heroes fighting to make the world better than having them fight against each other and a secret government group.

Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #12 (Marvel) – Ah, that’s what’s been going on with Tony Stark. Very cool. Now what will become of Reed Richards? I’m sure he won’t be detained for long.

More coming next week!

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