Comic Reviews for 05/02/12

May 8, 2012

Another week of comics looked at here, and since all of them were exciting, it didn’t take me long to get them all read. This week’s worth of comics started exciting things like Earth 2 in DC Comics, more of Night of the Owls, and the next wave of Valiant comics. I also checked out Daredevil outside of its crossover with other Marvel books, I began another Marvel crossover, and Avengers vs X-men heats up.
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Comic Reviews for 04/25/12

May 3, 2012

I’m a bit late in getting this up, but I’ve been busy procrastinating lately 🙂  This Saturday is also Free Comic Book Day at comic stores all over the country, so I’ll include what I pick up and check out the week after.  As for the end of April comics, I picked up a few disappointments that I wish to share my thoughts on briefly, a couple crossovers had their final issues come out, and one of those crossovers had every issue be my favorite for the last three weeks!
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Comic Reviews for 04/18/12

April 23, 2012

Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I’m beginning to drop more titles from DC Comics. Last week, I decided to drop Action Comics, Stormwatch, and Deathstroke, even though I said this past month I’d be staying on them all for at least another issue. However, circumstances have made it easier to drop them now instead of waiting. For last week’s comics, Night of the Owls began in two of the Batman books, I checked out The Shadow, and I decided to drop another DC Comics title.
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Comic Reviews for 04/11/12

April 16, 2012

Over the weekend, as I read comics and began to formulate what I’d say about each, I came across a quote that mentioned promoting what you love instead of talking about what you hate. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I hate any story, just dislike directions of them, but I’ve decided to embrace this idea. Nevertheless, there are still issues I don’t have anything really to say but still enjoyed the story, so don’t write off the comics listed at the end as me not liking it. With that said, last week was the conclusion of a couple story arcs, Image continues to entertain me with their new series, and my faith in one title was restored in 20 pages.
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Comic Reviews for 04/04/12

April 9, 2012

Last week was a good week, and I wrote a brief review looking at each issue’s story for every issue I picked up but three. This week, we had Avengers vs X-men kick off with its first issue, I picked up a fair amount of Image comics, and I include two digital-first comics I purchased last Wednesday.
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Comic Reviews for 03/28/12

April 4, 2012

It’s Wednesday, which means more new comics are out and that I better get last week’s finished and reviewed by giving my brief thoughts on their stories. I had planned to have this done yesterday, but I felt terrible and didn’t get much of anything done but nap. This week saw the final or penultimate issues of a miniseries or regular series, a crossover that had both the first and second parts come out in the same week, and I consider some editor choics when presenting crossovers.
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Comic Reviews for 03/21/12

March 26, 2012

Another week of brief comic reviews that are more my personal thoughts than anything else. Not every issue I picked up got a review this week, and that’s not because I didn’t enjoy them, but more like I really didn’t have much to say except, “that was good; can’t wait for the next one”. With that said, this week saw the end of my favorite miniseries in a while, an over-hyped twist in a couple Batman books, and the debut of the new Billy Batson from DC Comics.
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Comic Reviews for 03/14/12

March 19, 2012

Last week, I mentioned I probably wouldn’t do these brief reviews that focus mainly on the stories for every issue I read that week, but the latest line of new comics was a good one. So, in short, here’s another list of reviews! One comic got me thinking too much about story structure in the comic medium so it got a second paragraph in its review, a new Avengers title hit the stands, and a few of my favorite storylines reached their climax!
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Comic Reviews for 03/07/12

March 14, 2012

The beginning of a new month!…well, last week it was for new comics anyway. After this round of reviews, I’ll probably not include a brief review for every comic I get in the future, because sometimes I read and enjoy an issue but don’t have anything to say for whatever reason. Anyway, this week we had a return to apocalypse, the beginning of the next fight against “the Rot”, and a new Fables spinoff!
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Comics Reviews for 02/22/12

February 29, 2012

After reading through most of this month’s comics, I’ve learned something: having an entire line reboot at number one isn’t good for the line’s stories. Each story arc has ups and downs, and most #6s of DC’s comics tended to be in “down” or “filler” mode, but there were still some good issues out there. This week also included the conclusion of a couple miniseries, some epic showdowns, and Spider-man is doing well.

Aquaman #6 (DC) – I’m not sure what to think of this series. This issue and the last one have both been filler but things should pick up next one. I’ll see what this other “league” is, then I’ll decide if it’s worth continuing to pick up or not. I picked it up because of Johns, but it hasn’t been that exciting. Then again, even Green Lantern has grown slow and Justice League hasn’t been much better; disappointing really, but I’m holding out hope for another issue or two (although I’m only sticking with Justice League because Shazam is coming).

Avengers Academy #26 (Marvel) – This title continues to thrill me, and that’s why I call it the best comic on stands today. This issue was a lot of talking, but it’s setting up great stories for the future. And one exciting story looks to start next issue. I can’t wait for more.

Avengers Solo #5 (Marvel) – Last issue of the miniseries. I checked out this issue for the Avengers Academy back-up story, so I was mildly disappointed at the quick conclusion, although the mysteriousness of Finesse is intriguing. As for the main story, I enjoyed the exchange between Hawkeye and Iron Man at the beginning, but other than that, I wasn’t a fan of this story.

Batman: The Dark Knight #6 (DC) – Yeah for Bane, but seriously? He gets smarter? Seems odd to me, making it sound like Bane was the mindless muscle so many make him out to be before this story, and he’s now becoming the genius he really is. I’ll see how this plays out first, though, before passing final judgment.

Black Hawks #6 (DC) – The G.I. Joe book of the new 52 written by G.I. Joe Cobra writer Mike Costa (so it’s no surprise this title has that feel). Only two more issues with this title, but it’s been a fun one. This issue started a new story arc, and I’ll need to wait and see the fall out after that explosion and set up at the end next month.

Captain America & Bucky #627 (Marvel) – Captain America is in trouble here against the new Adam III. Francavilla’s art has always impressed me with darker stories, and this has been a good piece for him to work on. Now to see how “Captain America” does things next issue.

Deadpool #51 (Marvel) – Things are heating up, and everyone, including Deadpool, is after the serum that can kill Deadpool. Not as much witty humor in this, but the art was great, and the story was printed on some different kind of paper I liked. Dead continues next month.

Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt #5 (IDW) – The last issue of this miniseries written by R.A. Salvatore and Geno Salvatore. The issue came out the week before but I didn’t get it until now. This was an okay miniseries, but since I haven’t checked out any of the books, I’m not familiar with any of the characters. However, it was written well and the art by Agustin Padilla was very well done, especially in this issue with a final showdown between two adversaries. I don’t think I’ll be picking up any more in the future, though.

Fantastic Four #603 (Marvel) – Lots of big stuff happening on the cosmic scale in this issue. I love how the Mad Celestials talk and the artwork captured the epic-ness fairly well, but I’ll have to dig out some past issues and reread some things. Hickman’s been building up to these stories since he took over the book a few years ago, so lots of things tying together.

The Flash #6 (DC) – This was an intense issue for the reintroduction of Captain Cold. I’m a bit disappointed with his new powers, but since the Flash is surprised as me, I’m sure we’ll discover what happened there soon. The pacing of the story was perfect and the art was wonderful. Now to wait a month for more.

G.I. Joe Cobra (IDW) – Ulterior motives all around, as if there was any doubt. This issue sets up next months conclusion issues for Cobra Command, and things aren’t looking good for any side involved. This story continues to entertain, and even if this issue felt slow, Baroness is kicking butt.

Green Lantern: New Guardians #6 (DC) – Lots of intense energy blasts being thrown around in this issue. Enter Archangel Invictius, and what damage will Bleez do next? Great art and writing although a bit quick, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

I, Vampire #6 (DC) – This has been a surprising book. Something made me pick it up at #1, even though I’ve had it up to here (how high can you raise your hand? That’s how much I’ve had it) with vampires. Another dark title (hence why it’s in the Dark category of DC Comics) but the vampires are the most like Dracula from Bram Stoker’s book. And when Batman shows up, things can only get better right? A story full of action and an interesting ending to set up for the crossover with Justice League Dark next month.

Justice League Dark #6 (DC) – This issue sets up for the crossover with I, Vampire next month. Another title with a filler issue, but I’m getting to know the characters a bit more. So far, I like this title although a bit dark and crazy.

Marvel Adventures: Spider-man #23 (Marvel) – An all-ages comic line that captures everything about Spider-man. I enjoy getting two Spider-man stories in each issue, and both were great in this one. Spider-man and Spider-man vs. M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. was funny, the puns and jokes cleverly done, and Puppet Master using pigeons to do his dirty work is a creative way to do things. This book was a good one to start picking up several months ago.

Morning Glories #16 (Image) – Each time I don’t think this title can get any weirder, it proves me wrong. Again, the story looks like it’s setting up to start making more sense, but I’m sure Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma will throw in another weird story point next issue.

Secret Avengers #23 (Marvel) – One Avenger did a brave thing but it doesn’t look good for him. This was a so-so issue for me, and I think I’ll only give it another issue or two before dropping it. We’ll see how the next one goes.

Star Wars: Dark Times: Out of the Wilderness #4 (Dark Horse) – I keep forgetting this title until I get the latest issue, only because it has no set schedule. This story is well written and the art is good, but it doesn’t come out on time. Only one issue left in this miniseries, and I don’t believe I’ll be checking out any others in the future, except for collected editions or digitally when on sale.

Superman #6 (DC) – I really liked this opening story arc. This ending was unexpected and creative, and again the clones come up but still doesn’t get addressed (just teasing me too much lol). I’ll be sad to see this creative team go, but hopefully the next one keeps this momentum going.

Teen Titans #6 (DC) – I guess Kid Flash is “fixed” until someone rips his suit, and Wonder Girl’s angst is starting to annoy me; hopefully she’ll get better during The Culling crossover. Tim Drake is too good of a character to keep around babysitting the teens, but he’ll have a chance to shine in The Culling (hopefully), and he’ll show up in Batman: The Dark Knight for the Night of Owls crossover.

Ultimate Comics Spider-man #7 (Marvel) – Great issue; it’s nice to see Miles act similar to Peter or else his name shouldn’t be Spider-man. Everyone associates wit with Spider-man, and that’s what makes the character so enjoyable. Now to see what the Prowler has in store for our new hero.

Uncanny X-Force #22 (Marvel) – I’m not too familiar with the Captain Britain corps or their history, but I’ve enjoyed this story so far. Lots of different stories going on with the characters who race to save one of their own but get pulled aside or distracted by more immediate problems. Rick Remender does a great job writing each character, and Greg Tocchini’s art really is amazing. And what an ending!

More coming next week!